Cool photo of the week(?) patent pending
Gee i haven't updated this at all actually, which means i'll start posting some cool photos and maybe factoids about aviation and space exploration maybe weekly. This week I'll start with something really short because.. well because I didn't really have the time to prepare anything cool.

Most people have either seen or at least heard of solar eclipses, which are really cool on their own!!, but one rarer phenomenon is the earth-solar eclipse, where earth covers the sun from the viewers perspective. I mean technically speaking the night sky could count as earth blocking the sun but shut up it doesnt. Anyway, in november 1969 the apollo 12 crew was able to take this extremely cool photo of the earth eclipse. Except most of the photos they took ended up quite badly, the sources are unclear whether it was a camera malfunction or some other mistake by the astronauts but its still cool to look at.
Here is a source with some images and a video of the event, please take note this is from 1969