Please, get informed about and consider supporting the palestinian people. This is not a war - it is genocide

Jewish Voice for Peace

Decolonize Palestine

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

Anera Palestinian Aid

Free cookies

Finals week is approaching faster than ever and I am currently kinda losing my mind, which means I should do my best in my studies and that's why I added a 1/1000 chance for every second you spend on this website that you gain a free cookie, which is added to your cookie counter that I added on the top right corner of it.

Maybe whenever I get out of the torment spiral I'll invest some time to make this an actual nice thing


  1. Be niceys :)

Oh also, this blog often might cover mature content, so yeah, be mindful of that. And minors should leave please and thank you

New look

Hi, this website has a new look :). I was not particularly happy with it at the beginning, but I've come to like it as I did some changes throughout the month. It is not great by any meaningful metrics, but my standarts are low enough that I actually kinda like it. Some more changes to come as I update the rest of the site. Ill also be doing a ccs tarot 'minigame' as time allows for it.

Update: yummy cookies

Ok I havent updated this website on my free time at all, but thats ok, because I baked some cookies, which were added to this websites code. You can change backgrounds now and it wont reset every time you reload the page. Its not the best implementation of cookies but it works and I aint gonna complain about something thats working. Major overhaul on this site's looks is on the works™ (i.e I havent started it but im planning to).

Kissinger dead

Real quick update, yesterday (11/29/2023), Henry Kissinger died, which means I have updated the 'Has Henry Kissinger Died Yet?' page, as the name suggests. Have a good one, bye. Quick edit: I havent read the book because I literally just came out but the Jacobin has compiled a bunch of stuff about Kissinger into a book and kept a bunch of copies waiting for him to die anyway you can read it for free online here, or buy the hardcover copies that waited so so long to be released.

Hi welcome

About the site

This website does not have a particular theme. It is more of a compendium of random things I kinda like - and above everything else, it is mostly just the result of me toying around while learning some css. Ill try to use little to no javascript, which I dislike for a particular list of reasons. If the text seem poorly written, it is because I am stupid <3. I am aware of that.

The layout in this website was made by me (Its not great, but it is readable at least). No rights reserved for the layout, but I did take some ideas from here and there (including some other neocities websites, tehee).

The site looks best at a 163:47 resolution and you can only get its full experience through an 640x184.539877301 pixels CRT screen on a Netscape 1.0 browser running on the PS2 Linux distro. Please turn off your ad blocker and turn on your non-add blocker. If any non-ad content loads, try viewing the website from Latitudes between 45°S and 47.3°S, and any longitudes that arent divisible by 3 or part of the mersenne primes. For safety reasons, always keep a gun pointed to your machine and run continuous turing tests to it while browsing this website. If it tries to speak to you, contact authorities immediately.
yeah I kinda stole this joke from xkcd

Oh, hey, you disabled javascript. Dont worry, I dont really use it here :)

Gif of a WWE fighter smashing open two beer cans with eachother and drinking them, most of the beer doesnt even get on his mouth and then he throws them on the ground and screams

About me

New type of gal they tried out for a bit, but quickly disregarded as a complete failure.

I am autistically horny for airplanes, spreadsheets and justified text

FAQ (which no one ever asked, but hey, its MY website):

>Favorite movie?
V for vendetta for sure, The Matrix comes second (Shoutout to the Wachowskis)

>Favorite book?
Im illiterate but I like to look at the numbers in This book and imagine what they mean

>What kind of music do you listen to?
A bit of everything except for anything thats like (x)-core and has over 400bpm

I'm just a fag trying to have a good time. I'm pretty good at grilling some cheese if you count that as a hobby

>I think god should personally beat you to a pulp
yeah I know

>What is your name?
A black and white drawing of two creatures, one crow-like demon and a goat-person, in bed. One is smoking and there is what seems to be a bong at their right side. They are naked with the tits out. The text reads: Goat:'sooo, what's your name?' D:'It's unpronounceable' G:'That's hot'. It is implied they had sex

>What is your favorite color?
Look around this website darling

>What was the capital of Assyria?
A complex question actually; the akkadian language does not have a word for "capital" nor did the assyrians have a strong concept of it. Wherever the king was resided could be considered the cpital, but that changed multiple times over a period of 18 centuries (a rough estimate which ranges from 20 to 14 centuries). As the kings died and positions of power shifted, it was possible for the admnistrative capital of the empire to change. Some people online often list 4 of them, Wikipedia lists 6, actual number is likely higher. Nineveh is possibly the most famous of the capitals, and t hus could be the answer to the question.

>What is your quest?
Having sweaty gay sex on the couch, eating good food and nuking the United States

> What is the airspeed velocity of a unladen swallow?

>What is up with these weird questions?
They're references to a movie.


I dedicate this webpage to people with problematic kinks; trans women who got hate mobbed online; disabled people who cannot take care of themselves; people who are addicted to hard drugs and last but not least to neurodivergent people who dont just have mild anxiety and difficulty talking to people. If you're not in the list might as well log off honestly.


Nope. Not happening.